材料訊息|奶瓶也有毒 優生培寶4奶瓶驗出雙酚A Bottle also toxic eugenic training experience Bao 4 bottles bisphenol A

奶瓶也有毒 優生培寶4奶瓶驗出雙酚A Bottle also toxic eugenic training experience Bao 4 bottles bisphenol A

 新頭殼newtalk 2015.09.23 翁嫆琄/台北報導








Even with the baby bottle nipple are poisonous! Wei Fu section Food and Drug Agency 23 announced the audit results of a commercially available plastic bottles and teats, and found four bottles are detected bisphenol A, including Taiwan eugenics "Pleasant PES bottle", "eugenics PP bottle", "eugenics PES bottles ", and Taiwan culture treasure," Pei Bao PP bottle. " According to the research it pointed out that in addition to bisphenol A may affect reproduction and development, but also may cause to diabetes, cardiovascular disease.

Food and Drug Agency to the country 120 supermarkets, drug stores and other places of sample testing of maternal and child supplies stores 129 plastic bottles, bisphenol A and plasticizer test, and test nipple for 52 heavy metals and plasticizers, which, pacifiers comprehensive clearance, there are four bottle detection of bisphenol A, while China provides commercial circulation infant feeding bottles containing bisphenol A may not use the plastic material.
Director of the Southern District Management Centre Food and Drug Agency Liufang Ming pointed out that the offending drug bottles including Taiwan eugenics "Pleasant PES bottle", "eugenics PP bottle", "eugenics PES milk bottle," and Taiwan culture treasure, "Pei Bao PP bottle" 4 This four bottles were detected bisphenol A 26 to 165ppb, the product produced a total of about 8,000 bottles, 4783 bottles off the shelf now sell 3217 bottles. Liufang Ming said, which has four product packaging standard column "does not contain bisphenol A," but the results have tested positive.
According to the Food and Drug Agency data indicate that bisphenol A in the human body can interfere with sex hormones, causing its function confusion; several human epidemiological studies found bisphenol A and adults with type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Furthermore, in addition to bisphenol A may affect reproduction and development, but also may have other long-term health effects, such as excessive exposure to bisphenol A can cause situations obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease.
For illegal products, food and drug agency says the industry needs related products off the shelf recovery, and within a time limit, if not corrected and a maximum penalty of 3 million yuan fines.
In addition, the Food and Drug Department checks 350 plastic bottles marked, where 21 undeclared heat temperature, the material name, manufacturer information, etc; 54 bottle nipples and inspection industry, there are still 20 unfinished family business vendors login information, the local health bureau He has asked to make corrections.

資料來源: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%A5%B6%E7%93%B6%E4%B9%9F%E6%9C%89%E6%AF%92-%E5%84%AA%E7%94%9F%E5%9F%B9%E5%AF%B64%E5%A5%B6%E7%93%B6%E9%A9%97%E5%87%BA%E9%9B%99%E9%85%9Aa-041105624.html
