材料訊息|食品藥物管理署重申「含塑化劑-PVC材質醫療器材之相關管理規定 The Food and Drug Administration reaffirmed \"the relevant regulations containing plasticizers -PVC material of medical equipment

食品藥物管理署重申「含塑化劑-PVC材質醫療器材之相關管理規定 The Food and Drug Administration reaffirmed \"the relevant regulations containing plasticizers -PVC material of medical equipment


有關消費者雜誌No.415 報導「治病or致病?醫療器材含塑化劑大檢測」,食品藥物管理署(以下簡稱食藥署)為使消費者釐清使用醫療器材安全疑慮,針對「含塑化劑-PVC材質醫療器材之相關管理規定」說明如下:一、 聚氯乙烯(Polyvinylchloride,下稱PVC)由於兼具柔軟性、耐久性等特性,於臨床使用時不易出現管路變形堵塞或破損斷裂,降低投藥問題或失血等治療風險,因而被廣泛運用於許多醫療程序;為維持PVC材質之高柔軟性,製程中會添加不同成分之塑化劑,其中包括鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate,下稱DEHP),亦為目前國際間PVC材質之醫療器材常用塑化劑。二、 經查世界各國均未禁用含DEHP之醫療器材,美國、歐盟、加拿大、日本、英國等世界主要國家,係分別採取發佈注意訊息、許可證資訊揭露、產品標示等管理措施,以降低相關醫療器材產品對敏感族群之健康風險疑慮;另考量是類產品之特性、成本、替代性材料之普及率等因素,上開國家至今均未宣佈禁用、限用、訂定DEHP含量或溶出量之強制性標準等進階管理規定。三、 前行政院衛生署參酌國際相關管理趨勢,於100年5月23日公告高DEHP暴露風險之聚氯乙烯(PVC)材質醫療器材相關注意事項及標示規定(公告如附件),以降低該等產品對敏感族群之健康風險疑慮,並兼顧醫療器材在臨床治療上之可選擇性,讓醫護人員視情況即時選用適當產品。四、 高DEHP暴露風險之聚氯乙烯(PVC)材質醫療器材,例如輸液套及延長管路、臍脈導管、血袋及其輸注管路、腸道營養餵食袋、鼻胃餵食管、腹膜透析袋及其管路、用於體外人工血液循環或心肺繞道術之血液管路、血液透析管路等產品,應依上開公告,於最小販售包裝上應以使用者或消費者可清楚辨識之方式,標示「本產品含有塑化劑DEHP」或相關標示符號;並於中文仿單應加註「本產品可能溶出塑化劑鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate,DEHP),男嬰、懷孕或授乳婦女、青春期男性等敏感族群使用本產品時,請醫療專業人員將DEHP之健康風險疑慮納入臨床治療之考量因素」。違者,涉違反藥事法第75條,依同法第92條處新臺幣3-15萬元以下罰鍰。五、 由於醫療器材之使用頻率較日常生活用品為低,醫療器材查驗登記案審核材質的安全性,是參考國際標準ISO 10993,考量最終成品與人體接觸時間與接觸部位,模擬產品使用情形評估其生物相容性。消基會使用的測試方法,並不符合醫療器材實際使用情形,且消基會抽驗產品包含彈性膠布、OK繃及護理貼布等醫療器材,並非上開公告「高DEHP暴露風險之PVC材質醫療器材」規範之品項。食藥署呼籲消費者切勿恐慌,應遵循醫護人員專業判斷,視病患情況即時選用適當產品,以免延誤治療。食藥署已建立藥物安全資訊主動監控機制,除有藥物不良反應通報系統之外,對於安全有關訊息亦隨時進行瞭解,以保障民眾之健康安全;食藥署提醒醫療院所、醫護人員或病患,如懷疑因為使用上開醫療器材導致不良反應發生時,請立即通報藥物、食品、化粧品上市後品質管理系統,藥物不良反應通報專線02-2396-0100,網站:http://qms.fda.gov.tw/tcbw/。
News Date: 2015/10/30 Source: Ministry of Health, Welfare Subject: Other topics
No.415 report on consumer magazine "cure or pathogenic? Medical equipment containing plasticizers big test," the Food and Drug Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Food and Drug Agency) to enable consumers to clarify the use of medical equipment safety concerns, for 'containing Related regulations plasticizer -PVC material of medical equipment "as follows:
First, PVC (Polyvinylchloride, hereinafter referred to as PVC) Since both the softness, durability and other characteristics, when in clinical use less prone to blockage or breakage deformation pipeline rupture, reduce dosing problems or other treatment of hemorrhagic risk, which is widely used for many medical procedures; to maintain the flexibility of the material of a high PVC, the manufacturing process is added plasticizer of different components, including bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, under said DEHP), is also currently the international medical equipment commonly used material of PVC plasticizers.
Second, countries around the world were disabled by the investigation of medical equipment containing DEHP, US, EU, Canada, Japan, Britain and other major countries in the world, the Department released were taken note messages, license information revealed, product labeling and other management measures to reduce the associated medical equipment products on the health risks of concerns sensitive groups; the other is to consider the characteristics of the product category, cost and penetration of alternative materials and other factors, the country has neither declared open banned, restricted, set the amount of DEHP content or dissolution Mandatory standards and other advanced management regulations.
Third, the Department of Health before taking into account any relevant international management trends, in 100 years May 23 announcement of high DEHP exposure risks of PVC (PVC) material medical equipment related notes and labeling requirements (such as bulletin annex), in order to reduce the and other products on the health risks of sensitive population concerns, taking into account the medical equipment in the clinical treatment of choice, let the medical staff, as the case immediate choice of appropriate products.
Fourth, the high risk of DEHP exposure polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material medical equipment, such as infusion sets and extend the pipeline, umbilical vein catheters, blood bags and infusion tubing, enteral nutrition feeding bags, nasogastric feeding tubes, peritoneal dialysis bags and tubing, tubing used in vitro artificial blood circulation or cardiopulmonary bypass surgery, the dialysis tubing and other products, should be opened in accordance with the announcement, in the smallest package should be sold to the user or consumer can clearly identify The way to highlight "This product contains plasticizer DEHP" or related marking symbols; and in Chinese instruction sheet should bear the "product may dissolution plasticizer bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (Di ( 2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, DEHP), baby boy, pregnant or lactating women, adolescent males and other sensitive groups using this product, medical professionals will be incorporated into the health risk concerns DEHP treatment of clinical considerations. " Offenders, involving violation of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, Article 75, Article 92 in accordance with the law at NT $ 3-15 yuan fines.
Fifth, since the frequency of use of medical equipment of relatively low daily necessities, medical equipment identification register case review material security, is a reference to the international standard ISO 10993, to consider the final product with the body contact time with the contact area, simulate product use scenarios to assess its biocompatibility. The foundation will use the test method, and not in line with actual usage of medical equipment, and consumer groups will sample testing products include elastic tape, OK stretched and nursing patch and other medical equipment, not on the open announcement "a high risk of exposure to DEHP PVC material medical equipment, food items, "Criterion.
Food and Drug Agency appealed to consumers not to panic, you should follow the health care professional judgment, depending on the choice of appropriate products for patients instant case, in order to avoid delaying treatment. Food and Drug Department has established mechanisms for proactive monitoring of drug safety information, in addition to adverse drug reaction reporting system outside, also for safety-related messages at any time to understand, in order to protect the public's health and safety; Food and Drug Administration Department reminded the medical institutions, health care or disease suffering, such as medical equipment cause suspicion because open use of adverse events, please inform the pharmaceutical, food and immediately after the listing of cosmetic quality management system, adverse drug reactions bulletin Line 02-2396-0100, Website: http: //qms.fda .gov.tw / tcbw /.