展覽訊息|禾祥禎有限公司於2016/9/28~2016/10/1參與2016 Vietnam Plas 圓滿結束 Ho Hsiang Ching Co.,Ltd participate 2016 Vietnam Plas finished perfectly

禾祥禎有限公司於2016/9/28~2016/10/1參與2016 Vietnam Plas 圓滿結束 Ho Hsiang Ching Co.,Ltd participate 2016 Vietnam Plas finished perfectly


禾祥禎有限公司於2016/9/28 ~ 2016/10/1前往越南當地參與2016胡志明市越南塑橡膠展

推廣本公司的產品TPE/TPR 現場觀眾 對我司帶過去展示的樣品都頗有興趣 

此次參展也有與台灣廠商互相交流 受益良多 期許台灣廠商可以一起為台灣創造出口佳績


 Ho Hsiang Ching Co.,Ltd participate 2016/9/28 ~ 2016/10/11 Vietnam Plas. 

Popularize our product TPE/TPR. The audiences are interested in our product.

The exhibitors have also benefited from the Taiwan manufacturers to exchange a lot.

Hopefull, Taiwan manufacturers can work together to create export success for Taiwan

                                                                                                                                            Ho Hsiang Ching Co.,Ltd    


