展覽訊息|參與2014泰國塑橡膠工業展盛況 Attending the InterPlas Thailand 2014

參與2014泰國塑橡膠工業展盛況 Attending the InterPlas Thailand 2014

 禾祥禎公司首次參與6/18-6/20 ”2014泰國國際橡塑膠工業展


使公司受益良多,日後將會多多參與各地的展會,相關訊息都將在www.hhc-tpe.com 最新消息公布,



Ho Hisang Ching participated InterPlas Thailand 2014 first time

We had opportunity to exchange the information with many related industries and contacted with the majority customers in Southeast Asia.

It benefited us in the future. We will involve in more exhibitions around the world.

The information will be published in latest news of www.hhc-tpe.com.

Ho Hisang Ching will serve our customers with our many years of experience and provide high quality and professional production.
