NEWS|Stone exfoliating? Low levels of soft balls, mostly plastic pellets

Stone exfoliating? Low levels of soft balls, mostly plastic pellets

 2015-10-15 14:55

[Breaking News / roundup] advertised many cleaning products on the market containing particles, in which the particles can not dissolve, recently there are many products emphasize natural ingredients. After environmental groups found that one percent of these cleaning products contain soft beads or particles less than real stone whole tank cleaning supplies.
According to "ETTV" reported that the investigation by the environmental groups, the market advertised exfoliating scrub cleanser ingredients, shower gel, etc., almost all contain a large amount of plastic particles, some products advertised ingredients almond pit, but there are Polyethylene, in fact, polyethylene.
Cleanser such as Muji does contain ingredients in stone, but also contain polyethylene; Watson grape seed scrub, Chinese label emphasizes the use of natural plant stone, you can still be found in English composition plastic elements.
Today European countries have gradually disable the plastic particle composition, but in Taiwan, these small particles are added to the cleanser was still legal, this time named Watson formula containing plastic particles commodities in 2014 have been discontinued, unstamped Ichiban is to ensure cleanser in the particles are natural stone, polyethylene is used in the emulsion stabilizer, can be dissolved, will not impact on the environment.
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