NEWS|After restricting plastic straws, the EPD relays guidance to hypermarkets to recycle plastic film

After restricting plastic straws, the EPD relays guidance to hypermarkets to recycle plastic film
Many mass merchandise stores will use a large amount of plastic film to prevent the goods from tipping, and prevent the goods from being stained during transportation. The whole Taiwan produces about 1,700 metric tons of plastic film every year, but they are not classified and thrown directly into the incinerator. As a result of the environmental burden, the Environmental Protection Agency will cooperate with the store operators to achieve the miracle of plastic recycling to reduce the harm to the environment. The second section of the Waste Management Department of the Environmental Protection Agency recommended the technician Cai Bingyun to say:
"As we all know, plastic has a greater harm to the environment, so we consider how feasible it is to recycle plastic products. Therefore, after our evaluation, plastic packaging films that are often used for transportation by mass retailers and logistics industries, The first is that its material is simple and less contaminated by oily impurities. Therefore, the EPD went to discuss with the dealers, can you ask them to evaluate the separate recycling of these plastic packaging films, and hand them over to the plastic recycling agency to achieve the recycling of materials? feasibility."
A plastic film recycling platform has been established in China, and mass-market retailers can recycle the film to plastic manufacturers to make plastic products. The EPA is the first to demonstrate with Carrefour. In the future, does the EPA plan to cooperate with other mass-market retailers? , Cai Bingyun said:
"The EPA established this platform this year, hoping to match more mass-market retailers to create this circular economy model. The first thing to talk about is Carrefour. In addition, AiMai will also join this model. Continue to communicate with the mass retailer, such as RT-Mart, etc., to create this plastic circular economy. "
The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed this policy to reduce the harm of plastics to the environment and to achieve the feasibility of reuse. In the future, the Environmental Protection Agency also hopes to cooperate with more retailers and work with you to achieve the new fashion of not plastic.
